Thursday, January 29, 2009

Home Search- Where Do I Start?

Many of you are thinking of buying that first home or moving up because of a growing family. The newspaper used to be the first place to look or finding a trusted Realtor and looking through the books that he/she had. I did my first home search the second way but it was frustrating when a lot of those "new" listings were already a month old by the time I saw the book and either had sold or were under contract.

Now the Internet is the place to be when doing that home search. But, you may ask, where do I begin. Well here are some of the best places I've found when looking in the Darke County, Ohio area.

Here are a few of my favorites:

And my all-time favorites:
(yes, this is my personal one which is being updated)
(my brokerage's site)

Today though, to catch the latest listings you should find an agent with a lot of online presence who will search for properties that fit what you are looking for. These listings can then be emailed directly to you with all the details and pictures. Once you have a number of ones that sound interesting, drive by a take a look. This will give you an idea of the neighborhood and actually see the house (pictures can be deceiving). Then give your agent a call or email and let him/her know which ones you'd like to see and some good times for you. Your agent will then make all the arrangements and you'll be on your way to that ideal place.

Hope this helps. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

Todd Finch

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